BIP 47: Enable crosschain swaps and bnUSD (step 3,4,5)

Frontend test of the first portion has gone smoothly, we are now ready to move to the next stage.
Ownership of contracts from step 1 has been given to governance.

Next phase will enable most of the planned functionality for archway such as swaps and ability to move bnUSD to archway.
Parameters as discussed in Balanced crosschain deployment

The most important ones being a global debt ceiling for bnUSD of $5M and a initial cap for 300K bnUSD on archway.

This proposal also adds the pool 66 sARCH/bnUSD as a votable pool.
It also unstakes 10K sICX from the daofund to help pay for some fees in the beginning of xCall.

For bribes which was mentioned i feel like we should delay them until the frontend launch, so include it in step 5 and 6.

This will consist of 3 votes due step limitations, currently we update the code with the votes and such not more than one deployment can be done per vote.

Vote 1: Upgrade Daofund
To allow balanced to help pay for some xCall fees to make the UX better balanced will initially sponsor some fees when sending xCalls. This also requires us to unstake some sICX (10K) from our fund.

        "address": "cxdb3d3e2717d4896b336874015a4b23871e62fb6b",
        "method": "deployTo",
        "parameters": [
                "type": "Address",
                "value": "cx416a9ffc1cf126aca198d940f2065bfd27fe6adc"
                "type": "bytes",
                "value": "<bytes>"
                "type": "String",
                "value": "[{\"type\":\"String\",\"value\":\"cx44250a12074799e26fdeee75648ae47e2cc84219\"}]"

        "address": "cx416a9ffc1cf126aca198d940f2065bfd27fe6adc",
        "method": "disburse",
        "parameters": [
                "type": "Address",
                "value": "cx2d013cb55781fb54b81d629aa4b611be2daec564"
                "type": "Address",
                "value": "cx7a90ed2f781876534cf1a04be34e4af026483de4"
                "type": "int",
                "value": "100000000000000000000"
                "type": "bytes",
                "value": "7B226D6574686F64223A225F737761705F696378222C22706172616D73223A7B7D7D"
        "address": "cx416a9ffc1cf126aca198d940f2065bfd27fe6adc",
        "method": "setXCallFeePermission",
        "parameters": [
                "type": "Address",
                "value": "cx2576925d931f3be8ff195914c10a87da2094c5e5"
                "type": "String",
                "value": "archway"
                "type": "boolean",
                "value": true
        "address": "cx416a9ffc1cf126aca198d940f2065bfd27fe6adc",
        "method": "setXCallFeePermission",
        "parameters": [
                "type": "Address",
                "value": "cx87f7f8ceaa054d46ba7343a2ecd21208e12913c6"
                "type": "String",
                "value": "archway"
                "type": "boolean",
                "value": true
        "address": "cx416a9ffc1cf126aca198d940f2065bfd27fe6adc",
        "method": "setXCallFeePermission",
        "parameters": [
                "type": "Address",
                "value": "cxe9d69372f6233673a6ebe07862e12af4c2dca632"
                "type": "String",
                "value": "archway"
                "type": "boolean",
                "value": true

Vote 2: Upgrade Balanced router

To allow user to trade directly via xCall we have extended the functionality of the router to route swaps via xCall. After this vote is done trading will be fully enabled. Thus i also propose we add the sArch pool as votable.

        "address": "cxdb3d3e2717d4896b336874015a4b23871e62fb6b",
        "method": "deployTo",
        "parameters": [
                "type": "Address",
                "value": "cx2576925d931f3be8ff195914c10a87da2094c5e5"
                "type": "bytes",
                "value": "<bytes>"
                "type": "String",
                "value": "[{\"type\":\"String\",\"value\":\"cx44250a12074799e26fdeee75648ae47e2cc84219\"}]"
        "address": "cx0e04a92802d171a8d9f318f6568af47d68dba902",
        "method": "addDataSource",
        "parameters": [
                "type": "int",
                "value": "18"
                "type": "String",
                "value": "sARCH/bnUSd"
        "address": "cx0e6c153fd2af98c74453563427694168b214a53f",
        "method": "createDataSource",
        "parameters": [
                "type": "String",
                "value": "sARCH/bnUSD"
                "type": "Address",
                "value": "cx0e04a92802d171a8d9f318f6568af47d68dba902"
                "type": "int",
                "value": "1"

Vote 3: Upgrade bnUSD to a crosschain token
Upgrade the Balanced dollar to be able to communicate with bnusd contracts on other chains. For this we also want to set limits on the exposure for each chain. For archway we propose to start with a $300k initially. We are also introducing a global debt ceiling which we propose to keep at $5M.

        "address": "cx44250a12074799e26fdeee75648ae47e2cc84219",
        "method": "deployTo",
        "parameters": [
                "type": "Address",
                "value": "cx88fd7df7ddff82f7cc735c871dc519838cb235bb"
                "type": "bytes",
                "value": "<bytes>"
                "type": "String",
                "value": "[{\"type\":\"String\",\"value\":\"cx44250a12074799e26fdeee75648ae47e2cc84219\"}]"
        "address": "cx88fd7df7ddff82f7cc735c871dc519838cb235bb",
        "method": "addChain",
        "parameters": [
                "type": "String",
                "value": "archway-1/archway1l3m84nf7xagkdrcced2y0g367xphnea5uqc3mww3f83eh6h38nqqxnsxz7"
                "type": "int",
                "value": "300000000000000000000000"
    "address": "cx88fd7df7ddff82f7cc735c871dc519838cb235bb",
    "method": "setDebtCeiling",
    "parameters": [
            "type": "int",
            "value": "5000000000000000000000000"

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