Swapped BTCB disappeared to Balanced Exchange

Hi there,

Last week I swapped some BTCB for ICX by using the Balance dex. The transaction history is showing these BTCB where transfered to the Balance exchange instead of my own wallet. Can someone tell me what happened and how to reach these coins again? Thanks in advance.

Link to the transaction details (by Icon Tracker): ICON Tracker

Based on the tracker, this is the first step of supplying liquidity using BTCB, not a swap transaction. If u begin supplying liquidity again using BTCB as either base or quote, you should see it available to REMOVE from the DEX. Please go to Discord for easier back & forth communication if you still have issues.

Hi Benny_options, thanks for the reply. According to me I searched the whole DEX for the lost BTCB. Of course it is still possible I missed a tab or option so can you tell me where to look? I am not on Discord so hopefully you can still help me this way.

It will be difficult to help here unfortunately. The best way would be to go to Discord and send me a DM with a short video of where you are looking. Then, I can guide you. But I will try here briefly

1.) Go to app.balanced.network/trade
2.) Click “supply” tab
3.) Select BTCB as the top coin
4.) Select bnUSD as the bottom coin
5.) Make sure you have a tiny amount of each token, if you don’t, do a small swap to get a very very small amount, you just need some
6.) Begin the supply liquidity process
7.) You should see the BTCB you sent to the exchange on the right-side. You can click “REMOVE”

Hi Benny,

It worked! Really appreciate your time and help. Thank you very much.
Keep up the good work.
