Swap pair Baln - USDS/USDC


I just wanted to ask if it would be possible to implement a swap pair Baln with USDC/USDS?

Is there a reason for why that is not available yet other than the implementation taking time to integrate? I would just like to understand the process behind that, thanks :innocent::call_me_hand:

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Edit/note: At first I thought you meant a USDC/USDS pair, but after thinking about it, I think you mean both BALN/USDC and BALN/iUSDS pairs. The below still mostly holds true.

So, this is my understanding, anyone with developer/coding knowledge can add a pair. I don’t know what the framework/requirement is to do that, but I believe it is possible.

The 3 new OMM pairs were added by the OMM team (I believe), and incentivized by them (you stake your LP tokens on OMM to get OMM rewards for supplying liquidity).

The bnUSD/iUSDS pair was added by balanced (I believe), and BIP5, a proposal currently in the voting phase, includes adding BALN rewards to liquidity providers of that pool.

I believe if a pool is not incentivized, then the Liquidity providers would only get a portion of the fees from the pair for providing liquidity.

The issue for Balanced adding the pair you mentioned, USDC/iUSDS pair, may have to do with the framework/requirement for adding the pair.

One possible issues could be that a minimum amount of liquidity for the pair is needed to add a pair (I don’t know though). Balanced does not have much USDC or iUSDS on hand, only what has been delegated to the DAO fund and Emergency Fund (I believe). And it may require a vote to use those funds in this manner.

Edit, an issue for BALN/USDC and BALN/iUSDS pairs specifically, would be that it devalues our product. I’m not saying that I don’t think those pools could be added, but that I wouldn’t vote to incentivize them (as I would want people to value bnUSD more than other stables).

These are just my guesses. I’m looking forward to learning more.

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ok I understand - thanks for pointing out your view and for your effort to explain it somewhat. (:innocent:

Personally, my problem with the current state is that I have no means of getting Icon → Baln right now as bank deposits are restricted for me on binance europe.

Meaning I am unable to add collateral (except staking rewards), thus increasing my bnUSD without increasing my risk. the other way would be to accrue sICX which I can then sell for Baln. Even though I am bullish on both which means I am always losing an asset that I would like to hold.

Usdc or USDS pair would enable me to sell Omm for USD and get Baln :smiley: but that is currently not available :confused:

That is why I would like to have such pairs - easier would it be to get a Baln/omm pair in that case. (:call_me_hand:

thanks :slight_smile:

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I think the real solution is ‘routing’ and I pretty sure Scott has mentioned they are working on it.

For now you can sell OMM into sICX then into BALN.

OMM/BALN pair would be a good idea! @benny_options ??

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ok, cool I would certainly look forward to it happen!

I know that there are ways to somewhat circumvent the problem but for me I think that we should try to find always the easiest and most uncomplicated way to execute a task. Having to think around corners just artificially complicates the process.

With that said Omm/baln would be great, yes :slight_smile: