Legal Wrapper Formation

Hello Balanced DAO,

We, the DAObox team, would like to discuss with your community our proposal for forming a Legal Wrapper for DAO.

As this is our first message in this thread, we would prefer not to overwhelm it with excessive information, but rather to provide you with the key details and gauge your community’s interest.

DAObox is a provider of infrastructure solutions for DAOs and Web3 communities. Our flagship product is the fully-managed DAO legal wrapper service. This comprehensive, turn-key solution covers all pivotal aspects involved in creating, operating, and maintaining DAO legal structures, also known as legal wrappers.

DAObox as a Service:
The DAObox service entails creating full-fledged legal structures for DAOs, which our team then manages and operates, if the DAO chooses to utilize our management service.

Legal Wrapper:
A legal wrapper is fundamentally a legal entity with its own distinct legal identity and personality. The legal wrapper is not the same as a DAO, so it does not replace or absorb the decentralized organization that continues to exist as is. The legal wrapper can be used by the DAO to manage those activities that cannot be carried out off-chain, e.g., hiring developers, renting servers, paying for services, subscriptions and infrastructure, including in fiat, giving grants, concluding agreements and so forth.

The wrapper can also be used to hold, manage, and protect off-chain assets, such as fiat funds, IP, trademarks, domain names, etc. Additionally, the wrapper can engage in on-chain operations as needed. Ultimately, the legal wrapper shields DAO members and multisig controllers from liability associated with the organization’s actions and activities—the legal wrapper typically assumes responsibility for any transactions it executes (with some exceptions as provided by law). In reality, the usage possibilities of the wrapper are incredibly diverse, meaning it can serve any purpose deemed necessary by the DAO.

DAObox provides legal wrappers for DAOs globally. With our inclusive approach and ability to establish a wrapper in any jurisdiction with suitable frameworks, our team not only creates wrappers but also assists DAOs throughout this intricate process.

One of our competitive advantages lies in our DAO Legal Wrapper Management Solution service. As part of this service, DAObox assumes the roles of executive director and supervisor within the wrapper, overseeing all day-to-day operations and ensuring the fulfillment of tasks and objectives set by the DAO. While we hold authority, it is appropriately limited, allowing the DAO to maintain ultimate control over the wrapper and make final decisions on critical matters.

This unique combination of autonomy and professional management enables the DAO to operate seamlessly within its existing on-chain structure, focusing on its core mission and growth while entrusting the intricate operations to DAObox. Our aim with this service is to equip DAOs with all the necessary tools to maintain operational legal wrappers without the need for a significant investment of resources and time. DAObox effectively replaces other service providers and professionals that a DAO would typically require, leading to significant annual savings in payroll and expenses. Another crucial aspect to consider is decentralization. By delegating the management of the legal wrapper to a third-party contributor like DAObox, the risk of creating a centralized point of control, as would be the case with the core team or a group of affiliates, is avoided.

We are enthusiastic about collaborating with your community and providing any additional information you may need, as well as addressing any questions you may have.

Best regards,

DAObox Team

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