BIP33: Invest 100k bnUSD into BTC for POL

BIP33, if passed, will send 100k bnUSD to a community-developed OTC trade contract, which offers to buy BTC at a fixed 1.5% discount from the BAND Oracle price. This BTC will then be used for POL in a second vote.

BIP33 will also clean up USDS and USDC from the daofund by depositing them into the stability fund to receive bnUSD


        "address": "cx835b300dcfe01f0bdb794e134a0c5628384f4367",
        "method": "disburse",
        "parameters": [
        { "type": "Address", "value": "cx88fd7df7ddff82f7cc735c871dc519838cb235bb" },
        { "type": "Address", "value": "cx2921efb18c9ba7fd97c065ff87b3397ef904d7b0" },
        { "type": "int", "value": "100000000000000000000000" },
            "type": "bytes",
        "address": "cx2921efb18c9ba7fd97c065ff87b3397ef904d7b0",
        "method": "setDiscount",
        "parameters": [
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        { "type": "int", "value": "150" }
        "address": "cx835b300dcfe01f0bdb794e134a0c5628384f4367",
        "method": "disburse",
        "parameters": [
            { "type": "Address", "value": "cxae3034235540b924dfcc1b45836c293dcc82bfb7" },
            { "type": "Address", "value": "cxa09dbb60dcb62fffbd232b6eae132d730a2aafa6" },
            { "type": "int", "value": "1904620909"}
        "address": "cx835b300dcfe01f0bdb794e134a0c5628384f4367",
        "method": "disburse",
        "parameters": [
            { "type": "Address", "value": "cxbb2871f468a3008f80b08fdde5b8b951583acf06" },
            { "type": "Address", "value": "cxa09dbb60dcb62fffbd232b6eae132d730a2aafa6" },
            { "type": "int", "value": "808561163025718496944" }

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