Preparing for bBALN: LP network fees and voting weight

Sounds good to me. Let’s proceed with this asap.

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Totally agree, sounds perfectly fine for me.

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Sounds like the consensus is lets do this!! When can we make it happen?

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Thank you all for the feedback, much appreciated. I agree @DenysBALNBARON, the work is in process and will likely be done by the next upgrade around November 8th. There are several new features launching from previous BIPs so the releases will be a bit staggered to ensure stability after each one.


What are some of the impacts?

  1. Baln LPs likely are abandoned in mass, increasing the rewards in them?
  2. Baln staker’s now get 100% of the fees (aren’t they supposed to be in only baln, sicx, and bnusd now?).

So its the same total amount of tokens, just redistributed, with a weight on lockup time like Hex?

It will be interesting to see what happens.

The fee payouts will probably be changing around that time as well (From what Benny said (below))

Just to clarify the discussion, this is going to happen regardless based on BIP4. The discussion on this thread specifically is forming community consensus around moving forward with this aspect of the change before introduction of bBALN in order to streamline these upgrades and not duplicate unnecessary work.

Also, fwiw the new token econ will be most similar to CRV, but I did research HEX as well and there is somewhat of an overlap.