Withdraw any LPs are not working

I want to liquidate some of my LPs for the first time ever. I have been trying to liquidate with no success at all, no matter what level of LP I attempt. Can you please help with this so I can close LPs successfully? Thank you

Error Message is ‘Your Transaction has Failed Reverted (0)’

There are two options:

1.) You are trying to withdraw LPs between the hours of 12-1pm EST, which is when rewards are normally being calculated

2.) You are trying to withdraw from a pool that you have supplied to less than 24 hours ago. If you supply even $1 worth of liquidity, the entire liquidity is locked for 24 hours.

ICON used to allow for custom error messages but that has been changed with ICON2. We need to redo them, though most of these errors will be removed when continuous rewards goes live next week (target)

Ok, thanks for the quick response. All working now, I strongly suspect it was option 1 above. Thanks again!

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