Operating Procedure for Proposals

Welcome to the Balanced DAO Governance forum!

We are all excited to have you. The future of Balanced will be decided on this forum. This is the place where passionate and dedicated community leaders will emerge.

Given the importance of this forum, I will first layout some ground rules. This forum will be highly moderated. Users have a 1-strike policy, so please carefully consider your posts. If you have been banned and would like a second chance, please feel free to reach out to @benny_options on telegram to discuss.

  • Treat others with respect
  • No toxicity (subjective judgement by admins)
  • No profanity
  • Back up your statements with data when possible
  • Solution-oriented discussion (no coming here simply to complain, you must have a proposal in mind)

Now to the actual proposal procedure:

1.) Submit your initial proposal under the “Discussion” category
2.) Receive feedback from the community
3.) Incorporate feedback into your proposal (if you’d like)
4.) Submit the finalized proposal under the “BIP” category
5.) In the short-term, the Balanced core team will submit the proposal on-chain for voting, but in the next version of governance we’ll have controls in place to make sure the community can safely submit proposals on their own accord