Emergency fund - goodwill - blackswan event - refine proposal

But it was locked? You couldn’t do that

It’s exactly black and white. Where is there a grey area. You took a loan with a highly volatile asset as collateral. You didn’t 100% understand the protocol but you decided to gamble anyway

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It wasn’t locked the instant it was rebalanced. It may have locked if the price went down even further

Well of course it dropped further or this wouldn’t have happened would it?

Logically - no refund has also been rejected!

Therefore none of the proposals were acceptable.

We now need more proposals. Instead of arguing, the community need to sit and think, add more proposals and run them past @benny_options and get them to vote!


Exactly they want us to do the 8impossible the retards dont get it was lockedddddd stillll

How can you say if someones account was locked or not your just dumb

It’s just he doesn’t know but as he saying to everyone else - get the information

There are many steps you could have taken to pay back your loan. I sold all my baln and other assets I had that were liquid. That wasn’t enough so I bought some btc and with that I bought icx. I then sold that icx to buy bUSD and paid off the remainder. Why couldn’t you have done the same.

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I had two accounts. I took into account my liquidation price.

When I thought the price was getting close (which I thought had lots of time to spare but to keep safe etc) I logged into my hana account and saw it was much closer and changed, I then immediately paid off the entire loan of Bnsud and wired another amount of Bnusd into my ledger account.

I then logged into my ledger account and saw it was so close but by the time I activated ledger it was gone!

Baring in mind my loans were blue prior!
So I did save 1/2 but in my opinion (and agreed be Benny) it was very aggressive rebalancing

Ya I say we where pretty close to the first proposal of 60 percent or so maybe an actual on chain vote would pass it after further discussion. I’m sure there’s some compromise that 66 percent of the community could come too. Just not sure what would work for the majority.

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Like this dude here … he sold his baln, they’re offering to give that back! How doesn’t that suit?

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The no refunds to anybody proposal had the most approval percentage

I think now they do 1/4 and 100k baln as it was the most engaged! (Which is what the asked for remember)

Approve or dismiss! Approve is people wanting refund dismiss is people wanting the other most popular of no refund!

Less options straight to the point

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But that wasn’t what was asked

They shouldn’t have to give anything back to anybody. We all should have been aware of the risk when gambling with a highly volatile asset

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The most support from baln holders is the 1/4 refund and 100k baln! It’s a higher percentage per voters.

Whether you say it is or it isn’t, it is! Use a calculator bro!

Whether you say there shouldn’t be a refund, that’s what they said should happen.

It should be an on chain vote, it it loses then that’s what it is also



They never said that’s what should happen at all. Again there were more voters but that doesn’t mean it had more votes. Each voter has a higher weigh in depending on how many baln they hold

They said they would take the proposal with the most votes and there would be a separate vote. There was nothing said about guaranteeing a refund